Improvements in v11u4

This articles details the various improvements included with the OFS V11 Upgrade 4 (v11u4)


Our team is consistently hard at work adding various improvements to the OFS software. All new changes are detailed below, and listed under the part of the platform affected by the change.


Fusion Manager

Improved Alert Group scrolling

When scrolling very large lists of Alert Groups, the scrolling behaviour could on occasion be erratic. Scrolling behaviour was built some assumptions about Alert Group data which have been updated to match real-life conditions, removing the erratic scroll behaviour in all identified cases.

Alert Preview Error

An issue was identified in Fusion Manager where previewing an Alert Form could  result in a flashing error message, preventing users from properly using the form preview tool. This has been fixed.



Per Minute Speed Columns

Analytics has always had columns for a variety of speeds in analytics such as Run Speed, Open Speed, Shift Speed and Production Speed, however these have always been displayed speed in per hour.

We are now happy to provide 4 new additional columns which will enable users to see all speed metrics (Run, Open, Shift and Production) in a per minute speed!

These are available like any other speed column in analytics and can be found under the following titles:

  • Run Speed (Units/Min)

  • Open Speed (Units/Min)

  • Shift Speed (Units/Min)

  • Production Speed (Units/Min)

Parameterised Span Reports in OFS Events Chart

In v11.8, it is now possible to provide a parameter to the OFS Events Chart as it is loaded (either as a standalone page or via the OFS Console iframe elements.

This allows for new displays to be created, focussing factory visibility on specific assets, or activity centres.

Additional Time Windows Now Available on the Events Chart

This update adds two additional time windows to the Events Chart to allow users to see a more granular events chart and view events up close.

The two new times windows that have been added and can be selected are:

  • 5 Minutes

  • 15 Minutes

These are also available as a selection using the new 'timeWindow' browser parameter to have these time windows pre selected when loading an events chart.

Updated description for Units Rated on Shift Progress

It was identified that the description regarding the time class used in the description of Unit Rated on the shift progress report in Analytics was a bit ambiguous. This has been updated to provide greater clarity. 

Zoom Level for Live Dashboards in Share URLs

This update introduces a fix to save the scaling parameters (zoom levels) for live dashboards in OFS Analytics Share URLs, improving how these settings are stored and retrieved. Previously, zoom levels were saved in specific local storage properties, but the new method standardises these parameter names to create a more consistent and streamlined approach.

Spanish common words added to the cloud tag filter

This update adds to the tag cloud filter for Spanish "common words". This improves the quality of data in the Tag Cloud report.

Updated description for 'Changed After Dismissal' column

The ‘Changed After Dismissal’ column in Flow Manager was missing a column description which has now been added.

Alert Form PDF View UI Update

This update removes visibility of the download and print buttons while viewing a form in "PDF view".



Conditional Formatting for PDF Exports

The conditional formatting applied to forms in Analytics was previously not applied when a form was exported to pdf. This is because the logic responsible for applying custom formatting in Analytics is specific to Analytics. The code responsible for creating pdf’s has been updated to include any custom styling that had been applied to a form in Analytics.

Disallow Newly Created Alerts to be referenced by Workflow Alerts

This update addresses a bug identified by customers where attaching a secondary alert to a workflow when the secondary alert has not been saved yet (and assigned a configUID) creates a bad reference in the OFS database, which in turn causes further Fusion edits to alert config to fail.



Ability to Selectively Disable Job-Start Backdating

When starting a job in OFS from an unallocated state, typically the software will backdate time and replace the unallocated time with Job Setup time. This update adds a toggle to give customers the ability to disable this behaviour if desired.


API Fixes

ReasonCategory column fix in the /export/events API

The /export/events API contained duplicate columns which have been removed.