How to create a secondary alert in a form?

When a form is submitted, you can set up an alert to notify an individual. This is what we call a secondary alert.  Example: When a form is submitted as failed, the supervisor receives an email alert immediately.


Creating  the Service

Step 1 - From the left menu pane, Click "Alerts & Flow" and then click “Services”.

Step 2 - In the Email tab, click + "New Service".

Step 3 - Enter the Title of the service e.g. QA Team.

Step 4 - Enter the email addresses of the recipient(s) per line and click on “Save”.

Creating the Alert

Step 1 - From the left menu pane, Click "Alerts & Flow" and then click “Alerts”.


Step 2 - Create a new Alert Group or select from an Alert Group already created. 

Note: An Alert Group is a ‘folder’ or ‘category’ where all your forms live.


Step 3 - Create a new Alert e.g. QC Checklist Form Failed.

Step 4 - In the 'General' tab, enter the message you would like the email recipient to receive. 

E.g. The QC checklist on has failed. Supervisor's assistance is required. Product:

Note: The metadata such as product ID can be found in the below icon:

Step 5 - Create a new workflow in the workflow tab by clicking “+ New Workflow”.

Step 6 - Name the New workflow and add a “Closed State”.

Step 7 - Click + "Add State”. 


Step 8 - Enter the name of the state e.g. Email Sent.


Step 9 - Select the desired colour and “Add State”.


Step 10 - Edit Form Permissions and toggle both ‘Permit valid Form’ and ‘Permit Invalid Form’ OFF.


  • Permit Valid Form allows operators to submit this form when all fields are valid.
  • Permit Invalid Form allows operators to submit the form when there is an invalid field.
  • We don’t want either of these turned ON for alerts as this does not need to show as an option when submitting a form.



Step 11 - In Services, insert the email recipient of the relevant department for this particular Alert e.g. QA Team.


Step 11 - Finally, in the primary alert e.g. QC Checklist, attach the secondary alert 'QC Checklist Failed' to the Alerts section of the desired workstate. 

Now, when the form fails, an email with the below message will be sent: