How to add an image link in a Flow form?

OFS Flow forms cannot store images, however, you can easily create a link to a product image. 

Creating the URL link in the product data.

Step 1 -
From Fusion Manager, go to “Products”.


Step 2 - Tick the line you want to add the images to and then click the pencil icon to edit.


Step 3 - Click “Custom Product List Data” and “Add Variable”.

Step 4 - Enter the Name e.g. productPhoto. Click “Update” and “Save” changes.

Note: The first letter of the first word must be lowercase and the first letter of the second word must be capital and so on. 

Step 5 - In the products list, click the Import & Export Icon, click “Export” and open the .csv file.


Step 6 - In the productPhoto column, insert each individual link to their respective images and ‘Save’ changes.


Step 7 - In Fusion Manager within the Import & Export Icon, click “Choose File” and select the saved .csv file. Then, click “Import”.

Step 8 - “Save” Changes.


Inputting the image into the Flow form.

Step 1 -
From Fusion Manager, go to Alerts.

Step 2 - Select the form you’d like to input the image.

Step 3 - In the ‘Field Properties’ tab, enter the Unique Field Name e.g. Click the link to view the product.

Step 4 - In ‘Default Value’, click the variable icon and select the ‘product data’ e.g. productPhoto.


Step 5 - “Save” Changes.

Note: Please ensure the form has a workflow and a trigger before deploying the form on the Console.


Now, when the form is raised on the Console, operators can now copy the link into a new tab and view the image.