How to create run time alerts to celebrate team wins?

This article will show you how to configure an alert based on run time so you can celebrate production wins!


Note: Implementing this alert will require OFS Flow. If this is currently not in place, reach out to our sales team by emailing to discuss further.

Step 1: Create a new alert in Fusion Manager. If you are unsure on how to set this up, watch this video



Step 2: In the alert message area, write a note that you would like operators to see celebrating their accomplishment.


Step 3: Set up a basic work flow with 1 Open and 1 Closed work state.




Step 3: Ensure the Interrupt function is toggled to 'ON' for the Open work state.


Step 4: Create an automatic expiry from the open to closed state, depending on how long you would like for the alert to remain on the operator console. Save your changes once you have completed your workflow.



Step 5: Create a Machine State trigger, such that the alert is activated after a set amount (offset) of run time.


Step 6: Select the lines you would like to activate the alert on and save your changes.


Step 7: Once your alert is active and you hit your run time target, you should observe a message on the operator screen. If no alerts are appearing, click here to learn how to troubleshoot.