Why are forms not appearing on the console?

If you have set up a Flow form on Fusion Manager, and find it difficult to trigger the form on the line, the following steps can be used as a checklist to troubleshoot this issue.

Step 1: Check the Disable Alert Toggle.  In the Alert, navigate to the General Tab and locate the "Disable Alert" toggle. Make sure that the toggle is switched to "OFF." This is an essential step in activating your Flow Form as it ensures that the alert is enabled.


Step 2: In the Workflow section, Toggle 'Interrupt' to ON for at least one Open State. Navigate to the Flows area from the left panel. Search for the workflow associated with the alert you are interested in and ensure that at least one Open state has 'Interrupt' toggled to ON in the relevant work-flow. This setting ensures that any alerts related to that state will interrupt the console screen.  


Step 3: Check the Alert Trigger - Next, check that your alert has a  trigger and is associated with a line by navigating to the ‘Triggers’ Tab. 


Once you have completed these steps, your Flow Form will be activated. If you still have questions, please reach out to success@ofsystems.com.

Step 4: Check that you are subscribed to the relevant Alert Group on the console by clicking on the Flow Icon and ticking the right groups.