User Roles - v11 Upgrade

Within OFS Fusion-Manager, administator users assign a role to each user they create. Previously there were internal roles shown in this list, but in v11, OFS simplified this.

Historically, when an administrator user created another user in OFS Fusion-Manager, there were many roles offered up during that creation process. Many of those roles had confusing names which related to internal system processes.

In version 11, OFS have elected to simplify this process by restricting the roles visible to most administrators:

This simplification results in an easier experience for OFS Administrators, and reduces the choice to 3 possible options:

  • Administrator - maximum possible privileges, editor and administrative access.
  • Analytics User with Editor - users who can view all data and have access to edit tools used to modify recorded data in OFS.
  • Analytics User  - users who can view all data and interact in limited ways like leaving comments.

In circumstances where you need to assign users with permissions outside of this set, contact your OFS representative or OFS support.