OFS v10.9 - Release Notes

OFS v10.9 brings a number of new updates to OFS-X and OFS-Flow - learn more about them in the release notes below.

New features

Manual form raising dialog

The ability to “manually'' raise an alert has been enhanced in the latest OFS Version. We’ve made it easier to find the right form, with search capability built into the dialog box. Users can now search for specific lines and alerts or form by name.  The included event chart also highlights the selected context and alert time.

Enhancements to the event chart edit tool

There have previously been circumstances where it has been possible to concurrently apply two edits, which allowed for possible data corruption. To prevent this, the edit confirmation dialog now stays open until the edit is completed and the data is updated.

Additional columns in the flow manager report

Viewing the latest updates in Flow Manager was recorded as an important aspect to a lot of our customers; especially knowing attributes such as:

  • The latest time at which values were entered into a form
  • The duration between a form being raised and the form entering the final state

To improve this, the following columns have been added to OFS Flow:

  • Time to Last Update: The time between an alert or form being raised and its last workstate change or data update
  • Time to Last State: The time between an alert or form being raised and its last workstate change
  • Last Update Time: The time that an alert or form last had its workstate or form data updated
  • Last State Change: The time that an alert or form last had its workstate changed

10.9: Fixes

  1. Improved performance for lines with long term offline PLCs. After a threshold time, when the PLC returns online, counts are aggregated into a moment in time instead of being spread across the entire offline period. Customers may see a spike in the events chart rate line under these conditions, but total sum/count over the offline period remains accurate.
  2. Updated with the latest timezone library to support recent daylight savings changes.
  3. Use console timezone in formatting of alert time in form messages
  4. Fix an error in the web console when using some specific customisations to the OFS Console.
  5. The Units to Make field defaults to User-Editable when a new line is created.