OFS v11 Update 2 - Release Notes

OFS v11 Update 2 (v11u2) delivers plenty of new features and bug fixes across the OFS software suite - learn more about them in the release notes below.

OFS software has once again taken a leap forward with the introduction of highly requested features:

Calculations in OFS Flowezgif.com-gif-maker-1

We've introduced the ability to manipulate and combine data entered by users into OFS Flow forms, with the new Calculation Field offering a way to calculate averages, check that minimum values are met across multiple fields and much more!

Validation of OFS Flow Data submitted via API

When an OFS Flow form is populated via API, for example, directly from your factory measurement equipment, OFS Flow can now apply validation before a user interacts with your form, allowing for quick and easy analysis of automatically recorded data.

Define which Counters can be edited by Users

Data recorded in OFS can generally be updated by users, but sometimes a count should not be retrospectively updated. This update introduces an ability for OFS to limit edits to specific counters, offering you more control over data edits from the OFS console.



But that's not it - review the 🔗 links below to learn about everything we've packed into this release.

New Features

Click the links below to explore each of the areas your new software update delivers.

Tweaks and Bug Fixes

How can we access the upgrade?

If your OFS software is hosted by OFS, these features will be made available to you automatically. Some features may need to be scoped and individually deployed, and you should contact us to express your interest in getting started. We’ll reach out with more updates once your OFS v11u2 software is installed. 

If you are hosting OFS on your own server or infrastructure, please reach out to support@ofystems.com to schedule your upgrade.

What is coming next?

OFS has a range of exciting things on the way, but if you think you know what they should be, or if you want to influence the direction OFS take with our future releases, we'd love to hear from you. Reach out to your OFS contacts, or reach out to OFS support with your feedback and ideas.