OFS Menu - v11 Upgrade

In version 11, OFS introduced a new homepage and feature menu to connect OFS users with the places they want to access and key links.

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Feature Overview

The new OFS Menu feature consists of:

  • Key links to:
    • OFS Analytics
    • OFS Fusion-Manager (for administrators)
    • OFS Flow App
  • A directory of each customer's OFS enabled lines, with links to their OFS Consoles, tailored to the specific product subscription (OFS-X and OFS-Go) as well as an Info button allowing the copying of console URLs
  • Access to Saved Links for quick access to daily reports and key bookmarks.
    • For information about creating and managing Saved Links, see our customer portal article here: Saved Links in OFS

OFS Menu has been designed to be your helpful homepage which connects all of your existing OFS locations, and each of the OFS Tools (Analytics, Fusion and Flow) have backlinks to return home to the new menu page.

OFS Menu is fully responsive and works at a variety of device & screen sizes, but not all OFS interfaces support responsive scaling, and your individual device may have difficulty rendering other OFS screens, where the experience has not yet been optimised outside of desktop or tablet usage.

Key Considerations

OFS Menu supports all modern web browsers and has been tested in Google Chrome, Apple's Safari, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

It is known that OFS Menu does not work in Internet Explorer or MS Edge IE Mode. Users in these browsers will be redirected to a legacy experience, and future OFS releases may remove this partial support entirely.