Minor Features in v11 (Upgrade 2)

OFS v11 Upgrade 2 (v11u2) includes several updates that address various smaller items. This article aims to provide a summary of these changes.

These changes primarily involve technical aspects of OFS Software and the information provided here is meant to give a general understanding of the "under the hood" improvements OFS has made in v11 update 2. These improvements aim to enhance reliability, availability, and overall user experience.


Reason & Reason Category Export Enhancement

"Enabled" parameter now available to API consumers

Within the OFS APIs at Line Level, there is an ability to list Reason and Reason Categories, but there is an enabled flag held against each record, which was not previously surfaced to API consumers.

OFS have edited this API to make the enabled parameter available to API consumers within all Line level Reason and Reason Category list operations.

This does not change the behaviour of any OFS Data Export Service APIs.


Enhanced Compatibility with Legacy Web Browsers

Some of the latest features and changes introduced in OFS 11 unfortunately also introduced some breaking changes for customers with certain devices. We discovered that this was due to some devices only being able to run Internet Explorer and older versions of the Chrome web browser, and prevented customers viewing OFS Analytics on these devices.

This update adds support for our customers affected by this issue, restoring the ability to view and use Analytics on older web browsers.

Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 3.27.56 pmPlease note that we still recommend upgrading to modern web browsers where possible.

Data Resummarized when Metadata Edits Made

Some advanced OFS installations may use Metadata values as an input for calculations and certain count values. In some cases, this value (e.g. number of units per package) may need to be edited retrospectively after the job has been completed.

Previously, updates to the value of job metadata only resulted in a recalculation of precomputed values whilst in a running job, which prevented calculations from being updated when this value was changed retrospectively.

This change extends this functionality to allow resummarization for metadata updates for completed or past jobs.


Preventing password hashes being sent to Fusion Manager

Previously, when OFS Fusion-Manager loaded data for user administration, salted and securely hashed passwords were sent to the User Interface. This was an unnessecary and inadvertant design choice.

OFS have made a change to user administration workflows to prevent user's password hashes from ever being transmitted outside of the server once created.

At no point was any data exposed to unauthorised parties, and at no point were user passwords transmitted in plaintext by OFS software. This change is a proactive upgrade to OFS security of user credentials.


Home Button click behaviour in Analytics

When viewing the Analytics interface, middle clicking the home button would show the click animation but not take any action. This has been fixed - Middle clicking the home button now opens the home menu in a new tab.


Fixed alignment of the 'Options' button on the OEE Overview Chart

When viewing the OEE Overview Chart in Analytics using the Dark Theme, the options button was misaligned and has been realigned with the rest of the buttons.


Updated 'Run Slow Percent' help text

The help text in Analytics defined 'run slow percent' as run slow time / shift time. This has been corrected to run slow time / open time.


Carousel button visibility in Dark Mode

When viewing any of the Analytics live reports in Dark Mode the carousel would not be visible. A styling update has been added to fix this.


Auto-refresh in the Live Overview report

The auto-refresh functionality utilised by the Live Overview report in Analytics has been unavailable due to a breaking change introduced in the initial v11 release. This has been fixed.


Flow Manager column width re-calculation for application of validation colour

Extending the size of a column in flow manager caused the width of the validation colour to recalculate incorrectly (when increasing the size of a coloured column, the validation colour would not extend the whole width of the column). This has been fixed so that extending the size of columns correctly re-calculates the width of the column, ensuring that the validation colour is then applied to the whole row.


Reason report export tool bug

When creating the share menu options, an “Export to PDF“ button was automatically generated for each reason report when initially loaded. This was initially set to export the Reason Aggregates report, however when loading a drill-down in any of the reason reports, it would override the same button and make this “Export to PDF” button export the drill-down report instead. This resulted in the drill-down report being exported rather than the regular Aggregate report.

The solution we implemented was to have the initial button set to “Export reason aggregates to PDF“ and ensure this always links to the reason report it belongs to and is never overwritten. When selecting a drill-down report a new button named “Export reason drill-down to PDF“ is added instead of overriding the existing PDF export button. This ensures the user has an option to export either the Aggregate or the drill-down reports individually any time either report is generated on analytics.


'Audit Log' and 'View' buttons not visible in dark mode

When no form is selected in Flow Manager, the “Audit Log” and “View” buttons are  meant to be greyed to indicate that they are unable to be used. However, when in Dark mode, this disabled styled was not being applied.

On further investigation this was found to be due to a missing classname - Easy fix.


Permission issue preventing access to the packaging dashboard

Permissions have been added to allow console users to access the packaging dashboard.


Viewport scaling on iPads

When using the Multiline App on iPads, if the number of lines exceeded the window width, then any lines in the list outside of the maximum width would not be visible.

Scrolling has been added to allow for any number of lines to be listed and accessible by console users.


Workflow New State colour bug

When creating a new work-state within a workflow, the default colour is randomly generated. Sometimes, the colour generated was unable to be rendered, in which case the colour indicator does not update and showed the previous colour.

On further investigation it was found that this was due to the random colour generator sometimes generating invalid HEX codes. A fix was implemented to ensure that any generated HEX code is always valid.


Shift Schedule Operator & Crew bug

In some circumstances the shift scheduler in Fusion Manager would not show all possible values for Operator & Crew. This seemed to depend on the number of list items to be fetched, and was fixed by turning off pagination for the Operator/Crew data-source objects.


'Home' button loading spinner bug

When a user clicks the ‘Home’ button in fusion manager, a loading spinner appears over the button while the action is executed (the action navigates the user to the home menu). However when Control Clicked, the home menu would open in a new tab and the loading spinner over the Home button of would remain indefinitely.

For this instance, a timeout has been added to reset the state which controls the spinner being applied, ensuring that the spinner disappears once the button action has completed.


Data Query rate optimisation

Query optimisations have been added to improve performance on lines which use multiple counters.


Update error message to remove legacy language

Error messaging in Flow Manager has been updated to improve user experience.


Flow Form Checkbox fixes

Checkboxes in flow forms have had been updated to fix a couple of bugs and improve the user experience.

  • Checkboxes are no longer validated before the user interacts with a form in which they appear.
  • Space styling has been updated to better align with other form styling.
  • Default values are now set consistently.