Make the most out of your OFS Events Chart

In this article you will learn about how to make the most out of your OFS Events Chart. We will cover a variety of topics such as selecting workcentres, updating which time window you are using and the ability to create an updating events chart

The basics of the Events Chart

You should all be familiar with the default events chart that can be seen when pressing the EVENTS button on the console, however there are a few additional feature and tools that can be used to take your events chart usage to the next level.

To begin with, you can access the Events Chart app within OFS by heading to the following URL:

  • https://yourofsserver/apps/events/

When first accessing this page, you will be provided with a list of all of your Display Groups and within these groups you will find further lists of your Consoles by name, as seen below:

From this point you can click on each line in the list and on the right hand side of the page you will be able to see a 24h snapshot of the Events Chart of each line, you will also notice that in the list of consoles, you will be able to see the currently logged operator and crew:

Each Event Chart can also be clicked on and it will open an interactive Events Chart for you to look through your data. 

The Familiar Events Chart 

In order to access the Events Chart you are all familiar with when pressing the EVENTS button on the console, can be accessed via this above URL with the help of a browser parameter, for example the URL for an OFS line with the workcentre ID of 'OFS001' would be as follows:

  • https://yourofsserver/apps/events/?workcentre=OFS001

This should now take you to your regular Events Chart view as you would normally see on the console.

Additional Features

In this section we will cover three additional features which will help you in organising your data and help you get the most of out the events chart:

  1. Jump To Now
  2. Time Window Adjustment

Jump To Now

The 'Jump To Now' feature that allows you to automatically refresh your events chart on a regular basis, has now been improved and can be pre-loaded using a browser parameter. 

Once you have selected the 'Jump To Now' button on the events chart (pictured below), you can now change the time frame that is being updated. In the example below you will now see the 'Jump To Now' button highlighted and the selected time window highlighted as well:

Along with these new improvements, you can now pre-configure the URL to have 'Jump To Now' on by default using the below browser parameter:

  • https://yourofsserver/apps/events/?workcentre=OFS001&jumpToNow=true
    • The default behaviour if "jumpToNow" is not specified will be false and load the events chart as normal.

Time Window Adjustment

We have now added two additional time window selections 5M and 15M. These will allow you to look at your data with more granularity allowing you to focus down to a smaller window of time. 

You can also pre-configure a specific time window to be selected on load by using the following browser parameter:

  • https://yourofsserver/apps/events/?workcentre=OFS001&timeWindow=5M
    • You are able to enter any value that matches one of the buttons selectable in the UI, if left blank or the value entered is not valid, the default time window will be loaded.

Jump To Now w/ Time Window

You can add together the 'Time Window' changes with the 'Jump To Now' feature to provide auto updating event charts for specific time windows, this can be done by selecting the Jump To Now button, then selecting a time window in the UI, or by adding both parameters to the URL:

  • https://yourofsserver/apps/events/?workcentre=OFS001&jumpToNow=true&timeWindow=5M