Improving the Adaptability of the Console Gauge

This update introduces new flexibility to how OFS can model processes using the OFS Console, rate gauge and events charting capability.


The console rate gauge can now be overwritten dynamically to allow for a wide array of use cases.

Many factory processes result in a transformation of raw material into a processed unit. For example, a forming machine cycles, which produces pieces of product, that are packed into cartons and ultimately shippers.

Each of these has their own unique rate of production, either at different points in a production process, or the unique scale displayed to end users.

OFS v11.8u4 introduces new abilities to scale in both time and units.


  • multiplier - This parameter is to be used when scaling the entire gauge from the base unit of the lines into another metric using one calculation which is then applied to all aspects of the gauge.

  • ratedSpeedMultiplier - This parameter simply scales the rated speed triangle on the gauge, this is useful if the gauge does not use an endpoint that is in the base unit and you require an override on the rated speed triangle.

  • periodSeconds - We can now override the gauge to display in either per hour or per minute using this parameter whilst still keeping the rest of the console in the configured period. E.g. Console, Rated Speed and counts are all configured in units per hour, however the gauge can display units per minute.

Gauges in Analytics now Match the Console

All custom gauges that have been configured on the consoles will now persist through to analytics wherever the gauges are shown. Previously this would result in the gauge on the console appearing to be incorrect when viewed in analytics.