Improvements and bug fixes

OFS v11 Upgrade 3 (v11u3) includes several updates that address various smaller items. This article aims to provide a summary of these changes.

Menu - Improved Go console menu links

Go console menu links have been updated to include a user's configured languages. This means that when a user who is configured to use a supported language (eg: French) navigates to a Go line from the home menu, the Go console will automatically be translated to the user's configured language.

Analytics Tag Cloud Report - Improved Spanish support

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 2.20.43 pm

The Tag Cloud report in Analytics has been further improved to filter out common words for Spanish users, ensuring that only data of value is reflected in the report.

Commons words are parts of speech we have identified (such as prepositions and conjunctions) that, when added via comments in console, generally don't add value when viewed in the Tag Cloud report.

Span Change Logs - New logs & updated character limits

We have made a couple of changes to the Transaction Log report in Analytics, including:

  • Separating the metadata transaction logs into separate "change" and "snapshot" logs.
  • Increasing the character limit storage capacity of transaction logs.

The separation of logs is intended to allow users to more easily identify what changes have been made to spans, while still maintaining the full picture of metadata at the point in time of any particular change.

The increased character limit was required in order to ensure that span changes over a certain limit were not lost.

Span Editor - Style break fix for long metadata names

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 2.30.37 pmA couple of styling updates have been applied to the span editor update window, including:

  • Metadata names are now wrapped to avoid the need of a horizontal scrollbar.
  • The vertical scrollbar has been re-styled to make it more obvious to users.








Analytics - CSV & PDF Export bug fix

A bug was discovered in the Analytics exports which incorrectly caused single (') and double (“) quotes to be removed. This was an issue where for example a double quote was intended to represent inches. This has been fixed to account for single and double quotes that have been intentionally added to SKU names.

Analytics - Alert form pre-validation bug fix

The work to make Flow forms pre-validate assumed that all alerts were forms, resulting in a bug when the pre-validation was applied to non-forms. This has been fixed.

Analytics - Flow Manager - Style fix for legacy (IE11) browsers

The flow manager report in Analytics was being impacted by a bug in some legacy browsers. An adjustment has been made to account for this, ensuring that the report displays correctly in all browsers.

Fusion Manager - Bulk operator import bug fix

Importing Console Operators via CSV in Fusion Manager resulted in an “internal server error”, preventing the user from utilising this tool. This has been fixed.