How to trend data in Analytics?

When analysing data in Summary and Feedback reports you may want to trend the data so you can view it in chronological order and observe any patterns.

Step 1 - Choose an appropriate date range. For example, if you are looking at data from the start of the year to now, choose this option from the dropdown menu.


Step 2 - Add appropriate metrics into your report by going into Settings and choosing from options available.


Step 3 - Break down the report by an approiate increment. For example, if you would like a monthly trend, break down the report By Month.

Step 4 - Ensure the 'Start Time' grouping button is present in your report. If not, go to Settings and add this as a Grouping button. 


Step 5 - Choose the 'Start Time' grouping button as the last level of your grouping. This means that the Start Time grouping button should have the highest number listed on the right hand corner. 

Step 6 - Click on the 'Grouping' column to ensure the data is listed in chronological order.

Step 6 - Drill down into the report to investigate.