How to set up SMS Services in OFS?

This article will take you through creating SMS Alerts & Services, which are used to generate real-time notificationsthrough integration with alert forms.

Setting up the SMS Service in Fusion Manager

Step 1 - Navigate to 'Services' 

Step 2 - Click the SMS tab

Step 3 - Add a 'New Service'

Step 4 - Enter the Title of the Service e.g. Downtime SMS

Step 5 - Select the country code

Step 6 - Enter the recipient's phone number

Step 7 - Enter a backup email address

The backup email will receive the alert message in the event that the SMS service fails. 

Step 8 - Enter the message you would like the recipient to receive.

If you'd like to reference the message contained in the alert itself, you will need to specify '{{message}}'


Step 9 - Click the 'Update & Test' button to confirm that all information entered is valid.

Step 10 - The 'Schedule' tab allows you to set hours in which the participant is alerted. E.g. Jen is only alerted between 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday.


For a video summary on configuring Alerts & Services, click here.

Read the release notes here.