How to send automatic reports to OFS users?

Customers who view daily, weekly or monthly Analytics reports can automatically send an email with the report link using the Alerts tools in Fusion Manager.

Step 1 - Create the report in Analytics and copy the unique link.

Click here for a guide to setting up a Daily Shift Report.
Click here for a guide to saving regular reports.

Step 2 - In Fusion Manager, create an Alert group e.g. Reports.
Step 3 - Set up the email recipients in the 'Service' tab. 
3a. +New Service and Enter a name.

3b. Enter each email address.
3c. Test the email address to ensure the service works.
NOTE: If you do not get an email, please check with your IT team that you can receive emails from this address Otherwise, please let me know and I can investigate further. 
Step 4 - Create an Alert within the Alert Group e.g. End of Shift Report.

Step 5
- Enter the Alert message and paste the report link previously created.
Step 6 - In the triggers tab, add a new trigger within the ‘Shift’.

Step 7
- Toggle 'On End', assign the line and then the service.