How to make a state transition to a downtime at a specific time?

Configuration 1. Create the Downtime Reason

Create the Planned Downtime or Unplanned Downtime in your Reason List in Fusion Manager.

In this example, we will create a ‘Lunch’ planned downtime 

Remember to assign your new reason to a line in ‘Reason Assignment’.

Configuration 2. Create a new user

Create a new, dedicated user in Fusion Manager with ‘Analytics User’ permissions

2a) Navigate to the ‘Users & Operators’ tab

2b) Create a Name, Login, Password and set the Role as an ‘Analytics User’

Configuration 3. Create a Web ‘Service’

NOTE: You will need one WEB service per Unplanned Downtime reason.

3a) Navigate to the ‘Services’ tab

3b) Click ‘Web’

3c) Create a new Alert e.g. Lunch Start

3d) In the URL, enter the following with your OFS information:

  • Customer is the name of your organisation
  • If your OFS is on a server, you will instead use the IP address.
    • Example: http://10.123.456.78/WorkcentreID/server/control/downtime/allocate/@reasoncode

  • WorkcentreID is the OFS Line identifier e.g. OFS001. 
    • Please find this unique identifier in Fusion Manager or on the console page URL.
    • For multiple lines, use instead of the workcentreID.
  • Reason Code is found in the unplanned reason created in config 1.

3e) On the ‘Authentication’ tab, enter the details from the newly created ‘Alerts’ account


Configuration 4. Create a new Alert

Create a new 'Alert Group' dedicated to these types of alerts in the 'Alerts & Flow' tab. Then, create a new 'Alert' within the Alert Group. 

Additionally, make sure the Groups and Alerts are descriptive.

Configuration 5. Create the Trigger

Create a trigger in the ‘Total Time or Count’ trigger:

a) Select the 'Lines' it will occur on

b) Select the Service we created in Configuration 3. I.e. Lunch Start

c) Toggle on 'On Schedule'

d) Enter the 'Scheduled Time'

e) Select the 'Commencement Date'

f) Select the 'Schedule Period'

g) Select the 'On Days' you want the trigger to occur

g) Click 'Update'