There may be a span within the Events Chart that you would like to delete if OFS recorded data, yet there was no shift. You can delete data using the Edits Tool.
NOTE: Once you delete a span within OFS, there is no way to undo this.
Navigate to the Events Chart.
Step 1. Click the pencil icon.
NOTE: the pencil icon will only appear for OFS users with 'Administrator' or 'Analytics User with Editor' level access. This can be changed in Fusion Manager.

Step 2. Select the span you would like to delete.

Step 3. Using the arrows, select the start and end of the span you'd like to delete.

Step 4. Click Delete.
NOTE: The whole period will be deleted rather than the individual shift, job or machine state span. I.e. all 3 spans will be removed.

Step 5. Confirm the delete period and click OK.

Click here to watch a video on using the Edits Tool.