How to create automatic shift schedules?

This article guides you in creating and defining a repeating pattern of automatic shift starts.

 A schedule means your users won't need to start shifts because shifts are automated to start at pre-set times, defined by a schedule.

  • Shifts can repeat a cyclical pattern of 1-52 weeks.
  • Future shifts are able to be scheduled to 1-minute precision.
  • Patterns able to be defined for both simple and complex scenarios
    • Simple examples like 24 x 5 (3 shifts, 5 days a week)
    • More complex patterns with e.g. 4 days on, 4 days off can also be defined

Important Note

Schedules are intended to start shifts on your OFS enabled lines, but your operators are still responsible for recording data once the shift has begun, and still need to end shifts at the end of the production run.

Defining Schedules

Step 1 - Navigate to the Schedules tab in Fusion Manager

Step 2 -
Click the + icon to add a schedule

Step 3 - Name the Schedule. We recommend naming it the same as the Line Name.

Step 4 -
Tick the Multi-Week Schedule only if you have changing a shift pattern.

Note: Do not tick Multi-Week if your schedule has a repeat cyclical pattern.

Step 5 -
Click the Expand icon

Step 6 - Click the + icon in the top right corner

Step 7 -
Select the first shift start using the drop-down e.g. 6am

Step 8 - Select the Operator. We recommend created a generic operator name e.g. Operator 1

Step 9 -
Select the Crew e.g. Day Shift

Step 10 -
Select the Days in which the shift will automatically start in the OFS console e.g. Monday - Friday

Step 11 - Click Save

Assigning a Schedule

In the Schedule Assignment tab, each OFS-enabled line can have either one or zero schedules assigned to it.

Step 1 - Navigate to the Schedule Assignment tab

Step 2 - Select the Schedule and click the Tick

Step 3 - Click Save in the top right corner

Important Note

The schedule will be live the moment you assign the line and click save.