How to change an allocated reason in OFS?

For any reason, you may want to retrospectively amend a downtime reason. E.g. Operators may have selected an incorrect downtime reason or could not assign a reason at the time of the downtime.

There are 2 ways to change the allocated reason in the Events Chart.

  • Using the Edits Tool
  • Within the Events Chart

Note: The Events Chart can be accessed via the OFS Console and Analytics.


OFS Console:


Changing the reason within the Events Chart:

Note: All OFS users are able to edit downtime reasons this way.

Step 1 -  Select the relevant span and click Update.


Step 2 - Select the category.

Step 3 - Select the reason and click Update.

Changing a downtime reason using the Edits Tool.

Note: Only users with ‘Analytics User with Editor’ and ‘Administrator’ roles can use the Edits Tool.

Step 1 - If you accessed the Events Chart via Analytics, click on the line you’d like to edit.

Step 2 - Click the pencil icon in the top right corner.


Step 3 - Select the relevant span and click Update.

Step 4 - Click the pencil icon.

Step 5 - Select the category and reason, then click OK.

Here is a video explaining how to use the edits tool.