How to trigger an alert on a specific SKU or job description?

When triggering an alert, you can specific parameters in which a form will fire. This is called Conditional Expressions. This article guides you in specifying when an alert fires based on an SKU or SKU description.

Step 1 - In Fusion Manager, navigate to the Triggers tab with the alert or form and create a new trigger.

Step 2 - Click the 'Conditional Expression' tab and toggle 'ON'

Step 3 - Drag in Job Data

Step 4 - If ID specific e.g. SKU ID, select 'orderClientID'. If description specific e.g. Vanilla Icecream, select 'orderDescription'

In this example, we will create a conditional expression that specifies the SKU ID.

Step 5 - Drag in the '=' sign from the Math Operators

Step 6 - Enter the SKU ID e.g. job["orderClientId"]=="ABC123"

Note: If the SKU has letters, ensure there are " ".

Step 7 - To specify multiple SKUs, use the 'OR' function and repeat Steps 4-6