How to create a new user in OFS?

Creating a new user is simple within OFS Fusion Manager.

NOTE: Only OFS Administrator Users can access Fusion Manager and create new users 

Step 1 - Visit OFS Fusion Manager:

Step 2 - Login to OFS Fusion Manager:

Step 3 - Select your organisation by clicking from the drop down menu.

Step 4 - From the left menu pane, select "Users and Operators" and ensure you are in the "System Users" tab.

Step 5 - Click the ‘New User’ tab in the top right corner.

Step 6 -Fill in the following details:

  • Name
  • Login
  • Password
  • Email (optional)
  • Title (optional)


Step 7 - Assigning a role type to the User:

  • Administrator - maximum possible privileges, editor and administrative access.
  • Analytics User with Editor - users who can view all data and have access to edit tools used to modify recorded data in OFS.
  • Analytics User  - users who can view all data and interact in limited ways like leaving comments.

Click “Save” to save changes.

Refer to the OFS Roles Guide via the link below.

OFS Roles Guide

Watch a video on this article via the link below.

Introduction to Fusion-Manager