How to add Pictures to my form?

Picture Fields adds the capability to seamlessly capture and upload images in your forms. This article guides you through the features and how to create the picture field in Fusion Manager.

Picture Field Configuration in Fusion Manager

Step 1
- In your form, drag in or click on the picture icon from the left-hand side.

Step 2 -
Enter the 'Unique Field Name'.

Step 3 -
The picture field has the following configuration options that are unique to this field type:

The Unique Field Name, Form Field Label and Help Text fields are the same as those used in other field types.

  • Required # of pictures: This is the minimum number of mandatory images that must be uploaded.

  • Minimum storage duration: This specifies the minimum amount of time that uploaded pictures should be stored.

Pictures are not automatically deleted when their storage duration exceeds the minimum storage duration. Deleting pictures will be entirely at the user's discretion.

  • Close on capture: Determines whether the camera should close or remain open when a picture is taken.

  • Camera-only upload: Determines whether pictures can be selected from the device file system or not. 

    • If Camera Only Upload is on, the camera button will be available and pictures must be taken with the device camera.
    • If Camera Only Upload is off, the user is allowed to select and upload from the device file system in addition to the camera button.

Completing Picture Fields in an Alert form

When using the device camera to upload pictures, the behaviour differs depending on the device type used:

  • If Close On Capture is on, the camera screen will disappear after a picture is taken. 
    • For laptops and PCs, the device’s camera output will be streamed to a page element in the alert form.
    • On mobile devices, the camera will open as normal and will automatically close once a picture has been taken and confirmed.
Picture ‘confirmation’ on mobile devices is likely to differ depending on the device.
  • If Close On Capture is off, the camera screen will still appear once the photo has been captured. Otherwise, a Close Camera button will allow you to close the camera screen.

Close Camera button:

Once pictures have been captured or selected from the device’s file system, they will appear in the form. Undesired pictures can be removed via the 'x' button on each picture, and clicking a picture will open the full-size image in a new tab.

Note that at this point uploaded pictures have not been saved. Only once the form has been submitted will uploaded pictures be saved.

The form can finally be submitted as normal by submitting the form to the appropriate state.


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