How to display OFS on a TV?

Some TVs may have the ability to display OFS on them via an in built web browser. Below you can find out how this may be possible on your TV.

There are a few possible ways to login to OFS on a Smart or Web Browser enabled TV. However, please be aware that it may not work on all TVs and we are unable to confirm if it will work on a specific TV. 

We recommend creating a new user on OFS for the TV with the Analytics User role, something like 'TVUser' or 'RoomNameTV' would be recommended.

  1. You may be able to input any OFS URL into the in built Web Browser on the TV, and once loading it may prompt you to enter the credentials for the user account using the TV remote. Once the credentials are entered, OFS should load as expected. 
  2. A lot of TVs will not prompt for the user credentials when loading webpages. So in the case you will need to use inline credentials. This means you will need to use the following format when entering the URL into the Web Browser:


    Using this format the TV should hopefully automatically log you in with the specified account and allow you to access OFS on the TV.
  3. If neither of those methods work, or you do not have a smart TV with an in built Web Browser, you may need to connect the TV to a computer and use the TV as an external display. 
Hopefully one of the three above methods will help you get OFS displayed on a TV.