Bug Fixes

This update includes a number of bug fixes and related improvements to OFS.


Enhanced Cookie Security

Cookies set by OFS Fusion-Manager authentication are now set using the secure and http-only attributes to enhance security for OFS Login.

OFS Menu Redirection Modal bug

Fixed an issue where the redirection modal never disappeared after redirecting the user. This mainly occurred in high-latency circumstances, such as slow networking or accessing a server internationally.

Other Bugs

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing users from selecting a line in the OFS Go console
  • When using non-latin characters covered by UTF-8 unicode but not ASCII, it was possible to encounter an encoding bug on iOS / Safari platforms where OFS uses a long-polling mechanism for data transport.

  • The data returned from the Product AVA metric when the line is in setup was ‘NaN’. This has been fixed to ensure that 0 is returned instead.

  • The console downtime warning font was overflowing its container when the console was viewed in languages with long downtime warning labels. The font size has been made slightly smaller to accomodate larger labels.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing Flow data in Analytics to not correctly validate when supplied via API.
  • Improved the code which detects auto-filled forms.
  • The way in which database connections between OFS software components and database technology has been improved by optimising timeout values.

  • The maximum length of a UserID has now been made 128 characters to allow for compatibility with future systems.