Asset Monitoring - v11 Upgrade

OFS v11 features a number of internal optimisations which allows for richer, deeper integration with Site and Factory Assets, giving you better visibility over your processes

OFS are continuing to develop capabilities which allow for deeper monitoring of site-wide assets, and non-line assets which are critical to your factory or site.

Some examples of these new capabilities are described below:

  • State-based asset models, with new logic allowing for an asset to be recorded and reported on in terms of Run/Stop/Starved/Held/Down standard logic.
  • Using existing and new signals to influence the activity of related assets - e.g. inferring the state of a packaging machine from the activity at the infeed and outfeed.
    • This allows a counter at packaging to be turned into a comprehensive state report for a packaging asset, as an example.

These capabilities are designed to be applied to your processes on a bespoke basis, and if you are interested in exploring what this could mean for your OFS deployment, we'd love to hear from you. Please reach out to your OFS representative to discuss this opportunity further.

These new capabilities are supported by many of the other innovations in the OFS v11 release like our new API capabilities. You can read more about these here: OFS v11 APIs