How to access the OFS Console on a Tablet or Mobile Phone?

Accessing the OFS Console on a Tablet or Mobile Phone

If you are using an iPad with iOS 15+ and are experiencing multiple login prompts or the unallocated events widget not appearing, please follow this guide to fix these issues: Accessing OFS on iPads using iOS 15+

In order to access the OFS Console on a Tablet or Mobile phone is a very easy process which we will walk you through in this guide.

  1. Begin by opening your preferred browser on your tablet or mobile phone. We recommend Google Chrome or Safari.
  2. In the address bar, go to your Console URL for the specific line you would like to access, and add tablet.html after the last forward slash:
    • E.g.
With the above link OFS will load in a mobile/tablet friendly view which has been optimised for a mobile display.